Animal Collective has recently come out with a new EP, The Painters. And just as the title suggests, it has some striking similarities with their most recent album Painting With. While the first song “Kinda Bonkers” gives the same rhythmic, slightly tribal chaos of old Animal Collective, there’s something simplistic about it. This cannot be said for the rest of the EP.

“Peacemakers” and “Goalkeepers” both have the same echoed sound as Painting With, but “Goalkeepers” takes it a step further by adding more electronic components, something this writer isn’t entirely sold on just yet. It also bleeds into the fourth and final track “Jimmy Mack,” but that is an entirely different conversation.

Something about “Jimmy Mack” is so foreign to the band’s previous work, but reminds me of a million other songs I’ve heard before in the best way possible. Animal Collective never fails to make its listeners smile, or at the very least, confuse the wits out of them. “Jimmy Mack” does both and will most certainly be an addition to all my playlists.

I was apprehensive of this EP at first, but as always, Animal Collective sold me with their messy charm. From what it seems, they’re headed in a different direction from what we knew before. But wherever they go, I’m confident to say I’ll be listening.


3.5  out of 5 animals

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