Category: Content


    Hey everyone! This is Dj Tica from the Hammock. I hope you’re all having a fantastically amazing summer, whether it’s spent staying inside marathoning shows on Netflix, or going on some exciting journeys! Nothing’s better in the summer than listening to some sweet tunes, weather you’re from Georgia, to California, even to Puerto Rico or…

  • X-Men: Apocalypse Movie Review

    Everyone likes a good superhero movie, but X-Men: Apocalypse unfortunately didn’t meet up to expectation. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad movie; I quite enjoyed it! However, it did lack the extra ‘unf’ to make it a good superhero movie. For starters, the movie was slacking in action scenes. Most of the time,…

    X-Men: Apocalypse Movie Review
  • Remember the ‘Good Ole Days’?: Teen Titans Vs Teen Titans Go

    “Teen Titans Go” is literal garbage that should not exist; but, for some reason, it gets more seasons. Because money. Now that I have got that off my chest, I can actually continue writing this. Back in 2013 when the show first premiered, this writer, like many, expected a sort of revival of the original…

    Remember the ‘Good Ole Days’?: Teen Titans Vs Teen Titans Go