Weezer Experiment: How to Lure An Art Student Into False Sense of Hope

Weezer Experiment


I began Weezer week a bit early so everything could be published on time and unfortunately that meant that I would be listening to Weezer while getting tattooed and getting my oil changed. I started with the blue album while walking to my first appointment. This album gave me 2016 summer camp nostalgia in some parts, “Creep” by Radiohead vibes in others.

Top Songs for Blue Album:

“My Name is Jonas” – This song made me think of when I was just a wee little cowboy and I had a crush on this super tall person who refused to show any interest in me whatsoever. But like in a good way?

“Buddy Holly” – WooOoo I look just like Buddy Holly! Wowow and you’re Mary Tyler Moore!

“Undone – The Sweater Song” – This is one of those songs that after I listened to it, I knew that I had heard it before on the radio, but I HAVE NEVER HEARD THE END! Oh my Lorde! It’s giving me The Labyrinth with David Bowie’s tight little pants vibes. It’s giving me “As the World Falls Down”. I want just this part in a little music box that I can give to my great grand nephew.

“Say it Ain’t So” – Listen, if you don’t like this song, ya wrong. That’s all I can say, ya’ll. She head bangs. She is a song I can cry to, but also sing at karaoke without making everyone think I’m trying to have a main character moment.

Worst Song:

“Holiday” – I got scared and thought this was gonna be “Holiday” by Greenday, but also, I thought it was gonna be “Holiday” by Greenday and it just isn’t. 🙁

I then continued on to Pinkerton. I vividly remember driving down the freeway while listening to this and, at some points, I genuinely wanted to roll down my windows to blare Weezer to the unsuspecting tourists of downtown Savannah.

Top Songs for Pinkerton:

“Tired of Sex” – This has the nasty grunginess of a pizza place that doubles as a punk show venue, but one that everyone respects.

“Pink Triangle” – Oop hehe I’m gay. But in all seriousness, I love the narrative. Just, “I’m dumb. She’s a lesbian.”

Literally the worst song I have ever heard:

“Butterfly” – This song gives me flashbacks to a date I had in 2018 where a guy played bass guitar in front of me for 2 whole hours. No singing. Just bass and occasional swearing at himself. This song is the embodiment of, ‘Dude, I didn’t even think you were hot to begin with, but I’m too polite to just walk away. I guess you are just gonna play this whole uh– song, directly at me, in the middle of this party. If I could find my phone I would send out an SOS, but I guess this is my eternal damnation, huh?’


I got up this morning and decided to be productive, so I ended up listening to a bunch of

podcasts before work and had to consume all my Weezer for dinner. Listening to The Green Album, I don’t really have a favorite. Everything seemed cohesive, which was a pleasant change. EXCEPT FOR ISLAND IN THE SUN. I do not like this song. The first line says “When you’re on a holiday” and I said ‘oooo Holiday by Greenday,’ but no. I hate the wishy washy melody and the “hep hep” in the chorus. What do you mean “hep hep”???? I thought this was a song about being on the beach but it is SO sad sounding!

Going into Maladroit, I had heard literally nothing about it. I love all the edgy titles tho.


Today is when I was supposed to have my road trip, but my sister got super sick unfortunately. It was listening to Maladroit that I realised that I no longer had favorites or least favorites. Weezer had become the background music to my daily struggles.


Today at work, I put on Weezer to see the reaction I would get from people. Honestly, no one said much, until their cover of No Scrubs came on. A woman who was checking out said “Hey they didn’t sing this.” and I said “That’s Weezer” and everyone clapped.


Around this time is when the momentum started to slow. I would listen to Weezer in my car, but nothing would stand out. I could not even remember which album I was on. I think I relistened to Make Believe too many times.


Weezer has officially drained me. In the past few days, I found myself doing anything to avoid having to listen to music, so I would not have to listen to Weezer. I watched a whole show online. I rearranged my entire dorm. I believe, chronologically, I made it to the Red Album. My Spotify algorithm is so confused. I ended up making a friend who accidentally saw a Weezer concert, and though I chose to go on this endeavor, I feel the same. In both cases, we both agreed, “Oh! Hey! I guess that’s Weezer.” We both discovered something unique and mundane, the fact that Weezer exists and makes music. I know at the end of this week I was worried that I would become the biggest Weezer fan, but now I’m curious, does the biggest Weezer fan feel the same way about the ever changing sound as I do? In conclusion, “Ooh-wee-ooh, I look just

like Buddy Holly. Oh Oh, and you’re Mary Tyler Moore. I don’t care what they say about us anyways. I don’t care about that”.


Check out the first installment of this experiment here!