Biweekly Book Playlist: Circe

I decided to revisit one of my favorite authors this week: Madeline Miller, author of “The Song of Achilles”. I read her novel “Circe” based on the Greek mythology surrounding the Olympians and the sorceress Circe. The story’s prose was lyrical enough to coast me through the piece alone, but the ambiance curated by the perfect playlist turned this into a phenomenal read.

  1. In The Woods Somewhere – Hozier

One of the staple artists I listen to when reading is Hozier. Not only does he build a vivid world around anyone who hears his music, but he also transports readers into the lands they read of. I adore Hozier as much as the next girl and I am well aware of my unashamed bias when it comes to his discography. In this instance, the imagery and the song work hand in hand to put the reader in the same time and place as Circe.

  1. Man’s World – MARINA

If you have any prior knowledge of Greek mythology, you are well aware of the masculine figures and their unfavorable characters. Circe takes the popular stories and works them to the narrative advantage of our protagonist to give us the emotional room to empathize with her. Man’s World summarizes the loathing and simmering hatred that sears through Circe and the memories she shares.

  1. Gold Dust Woman – Fleetwood Mac

What would this song selection be without at least one Fleetwood Mac song? Not only does Gold Dust Woman accurately represent Circe’s character, but it conveys an emotional arc shared in the story through the build-up of tension throughout the song. The powerful lyricism lends itself to characterizing the protagonist as she embodies the strength it takes her to endure the treatment she suffers through.

  1. Start of Time – Gabrielle Aplin

All dense stories such as this one have glimpses of light among the darkness shrouding Circe’s life. Every so often, a new character enters a scene and Circe is struck by a sense that things are not as bad as they seem. She becomes more intimate with the reader this way, humanizing her despite the clear power she possesses. I was able to ache alongside her as much as we are able to feel her relief when listening to this track.

  1. hoax – Taylor Swift

As one of the most thought-provoking pieces I’ve read, I found myself retreating to familiarity in one of my favorite songs. With any being capable of magic like Circe’s, the experiences that bring her down to the equivalent level of our human understanding are what ultimately make her compelling. The self-reflection and recollection of all that has happened to her offer a mirror to the reader, the same way Swift does with this song.